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Future tense - will


Futuro – expressa ações que irão acontecer. O futuro simples é formado pelo auxiliar WILL seguido do verbo principal no infinitivo.

I go – eu vou I Will go – eu irei I’ll go.

1 – Forme frases no futuro utilizando as informações dadas, depois traduza-as.

a)She/make/a test tomorrow._____________________________________________________

b)We/stay/in São Paulo._________________________________________________________

c)He/ climb/ the mountain._______________________________________________________

d)He/ check/the tyres before the trip.______________________________________________

e)You/ fill up/ the radiator._______________________________________________________

f)It/ rain/ tomorrow.____________________________________________________________


Para utilizarmos a forma negativa, basta acrescentarmos a partícula not após o auxiliar Will.

They Will visit the White House.

They will not visit the White House.

Também poderá se usar a forma abreviada.

They won’t visit the White House. Will not ou won’t

1 – Escreva as frases na forma negativa.

a)Carol will borrow a book._______________________________________________________

b)The referee will write the player’s name on his book._________________________________

c)Mr Hopkins will come for dinner._________________________________________________

d)The boss will talk with the workers._______________________________________________

e)We’ll go home on weekend._____________________________________________________


A forma interrogativa do future com WILL é feita pela inversão do auxiliar e do sujeito da frase.

You Will visit Masp. Will you visit Masp?

Ana will give a party next Saturday. Will Ana give a party next Saturday?

1 – Escreva as frases na forma interrogativa.

a)She will wear a blue dress.______________________________________________________

b)I’ll have dinner with Mike tomorrow._____________________________________________

c)It will snow next month.________________________________________________________

d)Our teacher begin a new lesson._________________________________________________

e)You’ll take the train at 5 o’clock._________________________________________________

Text:Will Life Be Better In The Future?

We don’t know what will happen in the future, that’s for sure. So why do people talk so much about it? Today, for example, at school, I heard Zedu saying “Felipe Massa will be this year’s F1 champion”, I heard Matt saying “I will marry Sayumi”, and I heard Adão saying Flamengo will beat Fluminense on Sunday”. Or maybe that’s a boy’s thing…Do girls talk about the future, too?

Well, I suppose they do. We do. Look at me now – What am I doing?

Maybe that’s why the future fascinates us so much – because it’s unknow. We don’t know what will happen in the world. Will it be better? Will wars cease to exist? Will scientists find the cure for cancer? So many questions…And no answer!

But one thing is certain. We can make our future. Will I stay home and wait for my future to happen? No, I won’t. I’ll go out and try to make it a better world. I’ll study and get a job, I’ll help my community, I’ll teach others to do the same.

As the song goes, “I know someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one!”

1 - Sublinhe os verbos que remetem ao futuro.

2 – Traduza o texto.